Interview With Lee-Anne Van Der Merwe
Ethnicity: White
Age: 17
Profession: Student
Current Location (Country): Limpopo , Ellisras
Instagram Username: @leevdm.x
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
Surprisingly the best thing that has happened to me , is the worst thing too, people telling me I’m not good enough and then body shaming or slut shaming me, made me stronger and made me realize that I could actually help other girls that is in my position too.
My bad past will be the reason for my bright future.
What is your favorite part about being a woman?
My favourite part about being woman is to empower the women around me. It’s time for women to take the wheel, men have had their chance to drive and look where they have driven [us] to.
One of my favourite parts is the ability to surprise society with what we can achieve and also the ability to be strong and soft at the same time.
Who is your favorite role model?
My favourite role model without a doubt is Aija Mayrock. She has changed so many lives and inspires me everyday.
What is your dream in life?
My dream is to inspire women and to stand up and be the voice for women who are forced to sit and be quiet.
One of my biggest dreams is to have a community home where women who are being abused mentally, physically or sexually have a safe place where they can go to. We will offer food, a bed, and clothing at no costs.
Also, next year I will be studying law in Potchefstroom and then I will be focussing on helping women and children in difficult situations.
Are you following your dream?
I think Im on my way to achieving what I want to. I’m already empowering women through social media, and groups that I have joined. I’ve also been accepted for my studies.
Have you ever been published in a print or digital magazine before?
I have never, only in our local newspaper.
What’s your favorite clothing brand / store?
Cotton on, or Factorie.
What is your “happy place”?
I’m my happiest when I get to be around the people that I love the most.
What’s most important to you?
God , my family and my friends are the most important to me.
What’s the worst line a guy has ever used on you?
It’s Afrikaans tho , “ek sal liewers in jou kom voor ek in n ongeluk kom” not PG.
What is your dream car?
My dream car is a red Lamborgini or a matte black range rover.
Have you ever traveled out of your home country?
Botswana , if that counts. We went sight seeing and camping.
Are you a tom-boy, girly-girl, or both?
I will consider myself as both. I love to dress up in heels and dresses, but I also love sweats and sneakers.
Do you have a favorite Kardashian sister?
If Kylie Jenner would be considered as one, it will definitely be her. She is currently the worlds youngest billionaire… She saw an opportunity and she took it. Otherwise it would be Kourtney – Her family is everything to her.
Have you ever gotten plastic surgery?
No, I haven’t. I not considering surgery. God made everyone a masterpiece, and you shouldn’t be trying to change.
What do you want to be remembered as?
I want to be remembered as an inspiration and a voice for women.