Liane V has grown tremendously over the years to reach her now, super-star level of fame. In 2006, she convinced her parents to let her move to L.A. instead of going to college, so that she could work her way to stardom. In 2006, social media wasn’t around.. but once social media came around, she saw a great opportunity to grow her following.
Liane started out on youtube, and soon after, she started making short skits on the app Vine. Her skits about cool parents and cheating boyfriends went wildly viral, and soon Liane was raking in followers by the minute.
Liane’s vine account grew to over 1 million followers, and she now has over 4 million followers on Instagram, 349K subscribers on her Youtube (Liane V), and 50K subscribers on her channel with her boyfriend, called Forever Us. Content creating is now Liane’s full-time career.
Liane’s success is an inspiring story for all who dream of making it big. She’s reminded us all that with hardwork, consistency and never giving up, you can make any – and all – of your dreams come true.
Breakfast with the fam, and a little help from @mcdonalds 😊🥞🍳#ad (tag someone who would do this!) 😂
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