INTERVIEW 010: Her Cousin is The Real MVP For Getting Kiara Moore Into Modeling

Interview With Kiara Moore

Ethnicity: African American

Profession: Supply Chain Engineer

Current Location (Country): Atlanta, United States

Instagram Username: @moorelove12

What inspired you to get into the modeling industry?

My interest in modeling all began at an early age when my cousin would say “Kiki, you should model”. I began to look into what it takes to become a model.

I knew I had the looks but not the confidence. Over the years, I’ve gained confidence in myself, which allowed me gain confidence to pursue modeling.

I’ve always been told “You look like a model.” or often asked “Do you model?” and those statements and questions would resonate with me. 

I then realized I had not been pursuing a special dream of mine and that’s how it all got started.

How long have you been modeling?

I have been a freelance model since 2012.

As a model/aspiring model, do you think that it is important to have a large following?

It all depends. If you are using your social media as your platform then having a large group of faithful followers would be very beneficial. 

If not, then your small connections/network is just enough.

Two degrees hotter? 🔥

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Who is your favorite model?

My favorite model is Naomi Campbell. I am often asked if I am related to her, which is such a compliment!

I look up to her because I love how she is so fierce in the model industry but also speaks out on social issues all while being very positive. She carries herself with much dignity and pride.

Were you ever camera shy?

Yes. I am super camera shy when a lot of people are around looking at me taking pictures. 

I always feel so awkward but then I realize…

I love being in front of the camera and I love showing my personality so I will try to do something silly to get comfortable and that gets me back in my zone.

Have you ever been published in a print or digital magazine before?

No, but that is a goal of mine that I soon will accomplish.

Forgive me, I’m clothes-minded.

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What’s something a guy can do to get your attention?

Spark an intellectual conversation.

What’s an instant deal-breaker for you?

Men that are arrogant, unreliable and not respectful, especially towards women.

What is your ideal first date?

A walk around the park, ice cream included.

50 shades of slay

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Tell us a random fact about yourself.

A fact about me is that I absolutely love traveling and seeing the world, which you can probably tell by looking at my Instagram. The random part is I really enjoy cultural learning.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my academic achievements. I graduated with my Bachelors in Computer Science and minor in Mathematics from the #1 HBCU (Historical Black College or University), Spelman College.

I furthered my education and obtained my Masters from the #1 school for Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. These achievements helped me realize that I can do anything that I set my mind to.

What’s your favorite healthy snack?

Peanut butter and celery.

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Did you have any mentors who greatly impacted your career or growth?

Yes, I have many mentors that impacted me personally, academically and professionally. If it wasn’t for them I would not be where I am today nor who am I today.

Do you have any tips for aspiring models who are trying to break into the industry?

Be yourself. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Be bold. Lastly, never be afraid to take risks to pursue your dreams and aspirations.

What do you want to be remembered as?

A change agent. My ultimate goal is to not only do what I love to do but also to leave an impact on people’s lives.

Jet & Trend-Setting 🇫🇷

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